We get a lot of questions about our tournament. The most common are listed below. Click on an item to reveal the answer.
When do I need to register for a squad?
You need to register 45 minutes before your squad starts, 30 minutes for a re-entry. When all players are registered a last call will be made, if you're not at the registration desk by then (or have left a message that you will be late) your start will be handed to the first person on the waitinglist.
Can I pay with a creditcard?
Because of the high fees for creditcard payments in the Netherlands, the bowlingcenter and the Schietspoel Tournament do NOT accept creditcard payments. The nearest ATM is 750m, click here.
If I don't use all my EP entries, can I get my money back?
No, there will be no refunds. If you buy an entry package you can play three entries in the squads from Sunday till Thursday for 300 euro. It's possible to cancel these entries but there will be NO refunds. Moving an entry to Friday or Saturday will cancel the Entry Package and all booked entries are considered as (pre-paid) single entries. This new entry has to be paid in full and is no longer part of the Entry Package.
Am I allowed to alter the ball surface between games?
No this is not allowed. This is covered in the EBT rules 2023, chapter 31:
Adjusting of the surface of the bowling ball, by means of scrub sponges, scoring pads, and polish that are on the list of approved products, may be done only in between qualification squads and final steps, before qualification squads and final steps and during practice sessions before qualification squads and final steps.
Altering the surface of the bowling ball by means of bonded or coated abrasives, may be done only in between qualification squads and final steps, before qualification squads and final steps and during practice sessions before qualification squads and final steps.
Bowl4U won't let me cancel my entries
If I improve my score, will that erase my Earlybird qualification?
No, if you post a score in one of the Earlybird squads, you will keep that score for the Earlybird qualification. All scores bowled after the Earlybird squads will only count for the main qualification and have no influence on the Earlybird standings.
Can I cancel a re-entry during the tournament?
Yes, just go to the registrationdesk and tell them which re-entry you want to cancel. Until half an hour before a squad a player is entitled to cancel a re-entry.
How do I change my pre-booked entries?
You can login on Bowl4U where you can manage all your entries. It's NOT possible to cancel your entries online, you must send an email to . During the tournament you need to contact the registration desk, registration on Bowl4U will be closed.
I have a bowlingball with a balance hole. Am I allowed to use it?
All bowlingballs have to comply with the current International Bowling Federation (IBF) Rules. You can download these rules here.
What will be the oil pattern?
The oil pattern will be announced at least two weeks before the start of the tournament.
What will be the Cut-Off score?
We think it will be 1.278.
But you're guess is as good as mine...
Do you have a waitinglist?
Yes. When one or more squads are full we open a waitinglist. Please contact us if you want your name on the list.
We will have a single waitinglist for all squads that are full. When there are cancellations in a full squad, we will call out the #1 name from the waitinglist. That player has a choice if he want to play the squad. If he plays, his name will be taken of the waitinglist and the player below him moves up one place. If he decides not to play, his name will remain on the waitlinglist and the next player on the waitinglist will be called.
You can only be on the waitinglist once, but when your name gets called and you decide to play, you can get back on the bottom of the waitinglist.
I have booked an Entry Package, can I pay before each squad?
No, Entry Packages have to be paid in full before your first start. It's not possible to get a refund. The EP-fee will cover the entry fees for the first three squads you play.
The € 20 discount; do I get that on all the squads I have booked?
If you have made your reservations before 31.12.2023 you will get a € 20 discount. We will deduct that from your first entry or entry package. The discount is not valid for re-entries.